Brunets' Falklands Adventure

Mark spent most of the weekend on West Falkland - to chair the Annual General Meeting of the Wool Co-operative.
Haven't got the pictures back yet of the grinning Falkland Farmers (they are on their way, honest).
But the journey back was fun - wind speeds of 65 knots and a plane with a top airspeed of 120 knots.
Imagine driving at 100mph over potholes...

Port Howard

Here is Port Howard from the air!.

The week before, we visited various of the islands offshore.
Wool is still the third largest element in the economy - here is the clip from Pebble Island waiting to be loaded onto the Tamar, the local cargo ship.
Tamar is run by FIDC... hands-on regional economic development!
12 months hard work all in one place. Wouldn't it be interesting if we could see such tangible results!

pebble island jetty

We had to leave before the tide came in enough to get a better picture - we'll try again next year.

Same week, first trip to Port Howard.
Here is the Tamar alongside - note the delicate way the car's get on board..
We are currently building ramps for the new ferry - which will be a ro-ro.
We are assured...

Loading the Tamar

Later on, the bullocks in the trailer on the right gave Myles Lee a pungent reminder that both ends are dangerous. They spent the journey in crates on deck - Myles took his overalls off, or he would have had to do the same.